COMING SOON THIS WEEK:- Exclusive Interview With Emmanuel EMO the new Face of the Fashion World
Hello fashion lovers?? hope your week is great so far so good and your giving thanks to the almighty god/Allah for waking you up anyhu today its all about Africa and its newest faces in fashion, Modeling, designers e.t.c so sit baaaackk *inserts Jeff Koinages Voice* and relax as i infrom you day by day about the different faces in Africa, East Africa e.t.c.
..Like the saying
goes, fashion passes but style remains. Kenyan ladies (and gents) have
always been fashionable but today, fashion in Kenya is increasingly
becoming a fore-front for our culture and the country and this in turn
spells out style.
With kenya designer's becoming more internationally renowned, fashion weeks like the FAFA, TRENDS KENYA FASHION EXPO, EAD and FAB (aka the Fashion AND BEAUTY EXPO)
ANYHU COMING SOON THIS WEEK INTERVIEW WITH (the African Tarzan himself) Emmanuel Emo)
and you can follow Emo on twitter n facebook too.. Yeah BUUUUUUUUDDy
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All gas⛽no smoke 💨