Sun-Savvy Tips for an Epic Summer: Don't Let the Sun Ruin Your Vacy!

by - September 22, 2011

Are you ready for an epic summer holiday? Before you dive into the sun-soaked adventures, let's talk about the powerful rays that can turn you into a lobster! 🦞😎 Don't underestimate the sun, whether you're in the UK or exploring Africa's elegance. But hey, we've got your back with sun-savvy tips to keep you cool, protected, and smiling throughout your holiday. 😉

  1. Sunscreen is Your Best Friend: Don't skimp on sunscreen, folks! Protect your skin from wrinkles, age spots, and the dreaded skin cancer. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply regularly. You'll still get a gorgeous tan without the lobster look!

  2. Time it Right: The sun has peak hours of mischief from 10 am to 3 pm. Stay indoors or find shade during these hours. Schedule outdoor fun in the early morning or late afternoon when the UV rays chill a bit.

  3. Follow Your Shadow: If your shadow is shorter than you, the sun's at its strongest! Seek shade or take cover when your shadow plays hide-and-seek.

  4. Hats On for Hat-trick Protection: Sun hats are the coolest sun warriors. "Wrestle" the babies into stylish hats with ties or elastic bands. Legionnaire-style hats with a flap at the back will shield their entire head and neck. Fashion meets sun safety!

  5. Shine Bright with UV Sunglasses: Your eyes deserve VIP protection! Rock UV-rated sunglasses to block 99-100% of UV rays. No trust in £3.00 beach shop specials! Opt for shades from your friendly optician or pharmacy. Funky shades for kids? Check, they've got 'em too!

  6. Sun-Safe Threads: Summer clothing alone won't cut it! Pick lightweight, loose-fitting clothes made of tightly woven fabric. If light passes through, you can burn! Look for clothes with UPF ratings of 30 or above. 🌞👕

  7. Level Up with Special Sun-Blocking Clothes: Max protection? Yes, please! Invest in clothes labeled "prevents sunburn" meeting British Standard 7949. It sets strict sun protection standards for children's wear. Say goodbye to sun worries!

Ready to bask in the sunshine without the "burnt to a crisp" aftermath? Follow these sun-savvy tips, and your summer vacation will be a sun-kissed paradise! Pack that sunscreen, shades, and fabulous sun-safe outfits—let the adventures begin! 🏖️🌞

Remember, it's time for fun in the sun, not a battle with it. Enjoy your summer to the fullest, and share these sun-savvy hacks with your friends, family, and travel buddies. Happy holidaying! 🌴🕶️🌊

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6 Thoughts

  1. It's a shame where I live is moving into a good five months of horrendous, non sunny weather so I'll not be able to try out any of these looks any time soon. :( Nice post all the same.

  2. @YeamieWaffles too bad man wea u from anyhu??

  3. What if I never leave the house unless its dark? Am I safe then? :D

  4. HEDDIN nope totally not coz u might get rickets and that wuldnt be so good will it now?

  5. Some of them are not so beautiful o.O I mean, the first is cool, but the others are not so cool (IMHO, of course)

  6. alh3x sorry about that but some more pics are coming up soon ..


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